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Finally road bike pedals and shoes

I can already see the experienced drivers among you shaking their heads: "Getting ready to be an ambitious racing cyclist and doesn't even have proper shoes and pedals?"
"Now, you dear headshakers!"
After riding 1.500 km and my first race with my bear paws last season, it was high time to buy real racing bike click pedals and shoes. I went on a search, from a small bike shop to a sports department store: I just couldn't find anything 🙁 The models didn't all meet my needs. Often simply ugly or the shoe didn't offer the stiffness I wanted. The "advice" was also rather meager.
But then I finally found what I was looking for on my fifth try, namely at Trionics Multisport Hamburg, a specialty store for triathletes. I entered the store and was immediately greeted. I briefly told my story and what I want, zack it started.
First, the consultant took me to the shoe department, where my foot was measured. Of course, it's not just about the shoe size, i.e. the length, it's also about the width and the shape of the sole. So whether I'm more of a narrow foot or a flat foot. I'm more of a narrow foot! A thermal image of the foot remains on the measuring board, so that the specialist could take another look at it at any time. First, she brought two different manufacturers with her.
Both fit, but one of these shoes fit better! I then tried on three different Bontrager models and finally decided on this one Bontrager Circuit. Not carbon but plastic, but carbon was a bit too expensive for my first shoe.
The Circuit is a very comfortable shoe. Much more comfortable than it looks. The screw cap makes it easy to adjust the shoe, so you can also try something around.
I then opted for pedals from Shimano decided. the E-PDR550L became so simply because they were recommended to me.
Afterwards, the screwdriver screwed the plates onto my shoes and measured them, now only I have to get active 😉 As soon as I can form an opinion about the shoes and pedals, I will of course also announce it here. For the time being I will first learn the technique and now always ride with click shoes when spinning!